Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Beer Tasting

I went to my second class of the term today, Victorian Things: Victorian Literature and Material Culture. This is my first class on the topic, so I've very curious to see what I will learn. Both of my classes are small, only about 12 people. My religion class is entirely exchange students, but my Victorian Literature is a Master's level class; I am one of only three undergrads in it. I think the course will be a lot of reading and independent work, but I am excited to study in the archives of the library. You can see the syllabus and the reading list here:

After class I went to the grocery store and to an outlet clothing store across the street and bought a sweater. It snowed today and it was not fun walking to class in the snow! In the U.S. school would be canceled, but in Sweden the cold doesn't bother anyone. So I just have to suck it up and walk though it. However, the snow flurries are very pretty.

At 17:00, Amanda and Cassandra and I met up and went beer tasting at GH nation. The nation is known for it's pub and has 200 beers. We tried five beers: a "normal" beer, a fruity beer, a sour beer, a light beer, and a stout. The only one I liked was the light beer which is a zodiac. It was still a fun night. We met two Australians from Sydney, Lucy and Richy along with a girl from South Korea and a girl from Finland. I don't feel like I've met that many people yet, so it was nice. Everyone is busy getting adjusted to living in a foreign country. I'm hoping to meet some people tomorrow at the open house/orientation the university is having.

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